Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thoughts unspoken

I hate it when I'm not able to phrase my questions/answers properly and people think I don't get things at all. It's fine when I write/type but such an impossible task when it has to come in verbal form.

I hate it when I'm always the one listening to conversations in a group and after awhile people stop talking to me because they think I don't want to be involved or that I don't understand whatever they're saying.

I hate it when I'm with people and they think I'm lost or anti-social or I'm not enjoying myself when I'm with them.

Is this blog the only way I can communicate with people? But then again, how many of you actually read this?

I miss those talks we used to have. You're the only one who can understand whatever I say. There's so much more in my mind but I was glad someone understood whatever comes out of my mouth, at least. We don't even have the time now.

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